On September 3, 2013, the John Carroll School took a moment out of our everyday schedule to celebrate just one of the many programs that makes our school so special: Our International Program. In particular, the event celebrated both our burgeoning International Student population AND our continual commitment to launch students out all across the globe through our International Trip Programs.
John Carroll now boasts now boasts over 50 international students from all over the world including 10 diverse countries such as China, Cameroon, Canada, Honduras, Japan, and many more. The assembly kicked off with Mrs. Sandi Seiler, head of our International Students Program, introducing
our 20 new International Students. Next, Mrs. Ashley Stahl, who runs our German exchange program which has now been active for over 20 years, shared with the student body John Carroll's new mentoring program that pairs new International Students with American students. The program seeks to ease transitions and break down cultural barriers as well as create lasting relationships. Students were encouraged to contact Mrs. Stahl if they are interested in being part of the program.
Next the focus of the assembly changed from the world coming to John Carroll to John Carroll going out to the world. Mrs. Danica Antanasio (1997 graduate), Chair of our World Language Department and moderator of many international trips, shared with the students the myriad of opportunities available to John Carroll Students to travel abroad. Mrs. Antanasio pointed out the long standing Spanish Exchange program lead by Mrs. Jane Michael along with John Carroll cultural trips that this year alone will visit Ireland, Italy, England, and Costa Rica. Students who are interested in participating in either the exchange programs or our cultural trips were urged to see Mrs. Antanasio or Mr. Larry Hensley.
The program concluded with some exciting news as Social Studies Chair, Mr. Jake Hollin introduced the new International Service Trip program. Last year Mr. Hollin, along with his wife Amy (both 1992 graduates), joined 14 seniors serving orphan children at a home in Roatan, Honduras as part of their Senior Project. The Children's Home at Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries is a model program that meets the needs of over 20 children between the ages of 2 and 12. JC Seniors served rehabbing a kitchen, tutoring the children, creating sports camps, working at a local clinic, and putting on a community fair (to read more about the JC Honduras trip please click here
http://jcs-honduras.blogspot.com/. Along with the seniors who came to work at the Home, sheets, pillow cases, and curtains were made by Ladies Sewing Club at JC and were sent with the team.
After a brief video capturing the JC Seniors time in Roatan with the children, The JC Community was grateful to be able to welcome guest speaker Mr. Orsy Cruz, director of the Children's Home. Mr. Cruz, who along with his family were in America for a board meeting for the Home, blessed the Patriot family with a vision of compassion and the gospel call to care for widows and orphans. Following Orsy's speech, he fielded questions from faculty and staff and thanked the community for supporting the Children's Home. Seniors interested in being part of this year's team heading to Honduras were encouraged to see Mr. Hollin.
The assembly concluded with the exciting news that Mrs. Gower will be leading the next International Service Trip to the School's program (in June this year after school has let out) to the Dominican Republic to help build a home for a needy and deserving family. The goal of the International Service Trip committee is to introduce 5 trips in the next 5 years - so there will be 3 more trips to join the ones going out to Honduras and the DR this year. Students interested in the DR trip or International Service trips in the future can see Mrs. Gower or Mr. Hollin for more information.
The John Carroll mission statement challenges our community to prepare young men and women to "...prepare to serve responsibly in shaping a more just and compassionate global society". It was clear from our assembly last week that our school is not only meeting that challenge but continuing to build upon the rich legacy of international relationships that we have been building for the last 50 years. Whether it is preparing for a test with a student from 1/2 way around the world, going to see one of the great cultural and historical sites on the planet, or simply playing catch or teaching a child to read in another country Patriots DO understand what it means to be active participants in shaping a more just and compassionate global society.
Go Patriots!