Welcome to the brand new website of The John Carroll School! Following an extensive process, the new website features a beautiful new look as well as new functionality designed to get prospective students and families, current students and families and alumni to the information they need more quickly through a series of "microsites."
While all content is accessible through www.johncarroll.org, visitors can also bypass the main site (which is primarily admissions-focused) to get directly to other types of information. For their convenience, visitors can bookmark the following direct links to these microsites:
- patriots.johncarroll.org - information on campus ministry (including service learning and retreats); technology; the Learning Commons (formerly Media Center/Library); graduation requirements; student handbook; forms and downloads; and Parent Association news and updates.
- athletics.johncarroll.org - for athletics information, including forms, news and landing pages for each sport with photos, rosters, coaches, schedules and results. **Please note this will replace the existing johncarroll.sports.com site.**
- arts.johncarroll.org - for upcoming performances and pages on each of our arts offerings, including Theatre, Dance, Visual Arts, Literary Arts and Music.
- alumni.johncarroll.org - for news and information relevant to JC alum, including upcoming events, reunions and awards.
Please note, as part of a phased process, functionality for the Arts, Alumni and Patriots microsites will continue to be expanded and those users will be alerted as additional functionality becomes available.
In the meantime, with such a large site there is a good chance that, despite extensive testing, there are still some lingering issues so anyone experiencing broken links or other concerns should email news@johncarrroll.org.
A special thanks to current Patriots who agreed to be profiled on the website, including junior Sophia Shukla (home page) and senior Chimzi Chuku (main Athletics page). Look for more Patriot Stories coming to the new website very soon!