Veracross is John Carroll’s school information management system that will enable you to effectively monitor your child's education and activities. If you have trouble, please refer to the frequently asked questions below.
- FAQ #1: What should I do if I can't set my password?
If you click on the setup link in your welcome email and are taken to a page that assumes you already have a password, but you have not set one, please choose "Forgot Password" and the system will send you an email with a link to setup your account.
- FAQ #2: What should I do if I keep getting a multiple accounts error message?
Each parent must use his/her own email address. If you get an error indicating that multiple users have the same email address, please submit an alternate for you or your spouse to and you will get a response within 48 hours with an account update confirmation message.
- FAQ #3: What features of Veracross are used at John Carroll?
John Carroll currently uses Veracross to publish schedules, progress grades, and report cards. Attendance and certain behavior records are also available for viewing through the portal. Please contact the subject teacher regarding how they post grades and communicate with parents and students through Veracross. As a matter of trust, the school expects parents and students to use their own accounts, respectively. Some Veracross features are restricted to parent accounts only. Therefore, parents must NEVER share their Veracross login credentials with students.
- FAQ #4: Why can't I see sign-up links for re-enrollment and course requests?
Veracross used role-based permissions to determine access to various parts of the website. Re-enrollment can only be performed with a parent account. Course requests can only be entered through a student account.
- FAQ #5: How do I sign up to get email notifications from the school?
Veracross automatically uses the primary email address on file to send notifications. If you want to receive communications at another address then you will need to login to Veracross and update your profile to reflect the new address. It is not possible at this time to automatically send to secondary email addresses.
- FAQ #6: How do I update information about my family? (address and email changes, etc.)
Updating contact information can only be done through parent accounts. Please attempt to use Veracross to change information before contacting the school. This ensures both accuracy and efficiency. After logging in to Veracross, click the "My Family" link along the top menu. Some fields are set to read-only and you will need to contact the main office to update those items. Please note that address changes and other major updates require approval before they will be reflected on the website. Please be patient as these changes may take up to a week to be approved. In the event the school has questions regarding a change request, you will be contacted via phone or email.
- FAQ #7: What if I am not receiving emails from John Carroll?
Sometimes, an email provider can mark an email from Veracross as spam. The email addresses that Veracross sends emails from need to be whitelisted by your email provider. There are 4 that Veracross rotates through, so all four of them should be added to your contacts list in your email provider:
- FAQ #8: Who do I contact for assistance with my Veracross account?
If you have trouble activating your account or have yet to receive a welcome message, please complete the Veracross Tech Help Request below. Your request will be answered by email by Technology Specialist Chuck Wilson in the order it was received.