Extended Advisory Bell
Special Advisory Bell
1 8:00-8:55
2 9:00-9:50
3 9:55 – 10:15
4 10:20-11:10
5 11:15-11:45 [1st Lunch]
6 11:50-12:10
7 12:15-12:45 [2nd Lunch]
8 12:50-1:45
9 1:50-2:45
We ask for your patience as the School transitions to a new website on Friday, August 4. We anticipate the new site will be live and fully functioning by Sunday, August 6. Thank you!
Special Advisory Bell
1 8:00-8:55
2 9:00-9:50
3 9:55 – 10:15
4 10:20-11:10
5 11:15-11:45 [1st Lunch]
6 11:50-12:10
7 12:15-12:45 [2nd Lunch]
8 12:50-1:45
9 1:50-2:45
Special Advisory Bell
1 8:00-8:55
2 9:00-9:50
3 9:55 – 10:15
4 10:20-11:10
5 11:15-11:45 [1st Lunch]
6 11:50-12:10
7 12:15-12:45 [2nd Lunch]
8 12:50-1:45
9 1:50-2:45
Students should be in proper uniform and boys must be clean-shaven. Students in grades 10 and 11 will have their pictures taken during science classes. If they do not have science class they should have their picture taken during a free mod.
After the portraits are taken, students will take a QR Camera Card home with details on when and how to access their photos. To view the photographs, visit Shop.LegacyStudios.com and enter the access code 4531F25. Photos should be available two weeks after they are taken.
Media Day 2: September 3, Patriot Café
• Girls Soccer: 3:00 p.m.
• Girls Tennis: 3:30 p.m.
• Girls Volleyball: 4:00 p.m.
• Cheerleading: 4:30 p.m.
Student-athletes should arrive in the Patriot Café, dressed and ready at their start time. Please note, light fog may be used for photography.